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Category: Assisted Living

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Talking to a Parent About Transitioning to Assisted Living

A senior woman enjoying a cup of coffee with her daughter in the backyard

Starting the conversation about moving a parent to assisted living can feel challenging. Every family’s situation is unique, but these practical tips can help make the conversation smoother and more productive. 1. Approach the Topic with Care and Empathy Rather than abruptly bringing up the idea of assisted living, start with general conversations about aging […]

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When is it Time for Assisted Living?

A senior woman talking to her daughter while having a cup of coffee together.

Deciding to move a loved one into an assisted living community is a significant decision that requires thoughtful consideration. Choosing the right environment is essential to their well-being and quality of life, and it’s a step that can offer your loved one a balanced lifestyle of support and independence. There’s no single “right time” for […]

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