Our Community

Schedule Tour

Full Continuum of Care

Every one of our residents is a member of our extended family. Our qualified staff are always caring and considerate, and our events and services provide options to support the lifestyle needed.

Thinking about becoming a member of our community? Contact us today and set up a tour!

The Story of Birchwood Senior Living

Birchwood Arbors and Health Care Center stand proudly alongside the other Lifespark Senior Living communities.

With our Birchwood Health Care Center opening in 1979 and Arbors opening in 2003, we have decades of experience providing quality, compassionate care.

Lifespark started in 1989 as a select group of communities and has expanded to include more than 34 communities since then. Every location is staffed by trained professionals with many years of experience

Become a member of our community and let us help tell the next chapter of your story.

Our Mission Statement

Spark Lives and Empower Seniors to Age Magnificently

What We Promise to You

We Respect Your Past, Your Present, and Your Future

Every person is entitled to respect. When you’re a member of our community at Birchwood Senior Living, our diligent staff extend courtesy to you at all times so that you can live with the dignity you deserve.

Every person has different values, beliefs, and ways of doing things. We never judge at Birchwood; we’re only here to help. Expect quality care and comfort from us, no matter what.

Integrity matters to us, so we never promise anything we can’t deliver. You can count on us to take your concerns seriously, respond quickly, and listen to your feedback in every situation.

Why Choose Birchwood?

Birchwood Senior Living provides a wide range of memorable activities and planned events for residents to experience. Plan a schedule that suits your interests, and let us help make it a reality.

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Your life belongs to you at Birchwood Senior Living, so you’re always in control of how you spend your time. We put your needs first so that you can maintain your independence and enjoy your freedom.

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Our staff is always standing by to support you when you need it. Don’t hesitate to ask us for help. Whatever it is, we’ll take care of it.

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Our Location

Where to Find Us

We’d love to show you around – so come say hello! We are located immediately South of highway 61 and highway 8 corridors.

Email Us

Executive Director:

Frank Robinson [email protected] 

Assistant Executive Director & Marketing Director Email:

Madison Bates [email protected]

Contact Us

Birchwood Health Care Center (Transitional Care and Long-Term Care)

Address: 604 NE 1st Street
Forest Lake, MN 55025
Phone: 651-464-5600

Birchwood Arbors Assisted Living

Address: 750 NE 1st Street
Forest Lake, MN 55025
Phone: 651-466-1000

Hours of Operation

Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours
Open 24 hours

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